Peterborough Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Paul Bristow has written to the Council objecting to a 300 home development in Eye, branding it "overdevelopment of the site, which prevents sufficient open space from being incorporated and would have a significant impact on the village."
The text of Paul's letter is set out here and can also be downloaded below.
Mrs Louise Simmonds
Planning Services, Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
Peterborough PE2 8TY
25 September 2019
Dear Mrs Simmonds,
Re: Land East Of Eyebury Road, Eye, Peterborough (19/00836/OUT)
I am writing to object to the planning application for the land east of Eyebury Road. As a local parliamentary candidate, I have spoken to lots of concerned residents in Eye, who do not believe that their views have been considered properly by the developer. This is reflected in the comments and objections to the application online.
There is a need for more housing in Peterborough, but it must be the right housing and gone about the right way. This includes key improvements to our road and transport infrastructure, with extra capacity for our health facilities and schools. My objections to this outline application include:
- The Local Plan allocation is for 250 dwellings or fewer. At 300 dwellings, the scheme is an overdevelopment of the site, which prevents sufficient open space from being incorporated and would have a significant impact on the village.
- The transport assessments undertaken to date are inadequate and understate the existing pressures. Fundamental problems in the scheme’s design cannot be remedied by a later, more detailed transport plan or a slight reduction in dwellings.
- There is no provision of extra-care or supported housing to meet the needs of the area’s aging population.
- Eye Primary School needs more land than is currently allocated for new facilities and appropriately sized sports pitches.
- There is inadequate information on the s106 contributions required to increase primary and secondary school capacity and provide sufficient community health and GP coverage.
- Flooding and drainage risks have not been addressed.
I believe that the local community in Eye would be best served by the developer withdrawing this application, in order to rethink their proposals and reengage with residents.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Bristow
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Peterborough